My Favorite Sports Star – Tyson Frizell

My Favorite Sports Star
NRL News

My Favorite Sports Star,

Hey, I am 11 year old NRL fan and wanted to let you know who my favourite sport star is.  His name is Tyson Frizell. He is signed with the Newcastle knights until 2023 at the least, with a contract worth 2.1 million AUD.

My Favorite Sports Star

Tyson Frizell is my favourite player because he shows determination both on the field and whilst training. He really stands out on the field and is an asset. To be honest, I personally think that 2.1 million AUD was a bargain for the Newcastle knights.

Frizell really demonstrates what is deemed a superstar athlete and what can happen if you do everything in your power to live up to your potential. His athletic abilities are outstanding and you would have to be lying or know nothing about the game to disagree.

I have been lucky enough to meet Tyson a couple of times and he is always nice to the fans and willing to give up his time. Even when he is with his family. He is a good man both on and off the field.

A puresportsnetwork press release.


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