Most Sickening NRL Break Shown On TV

Most Sickening NRL Break
Arm Wrestling Break

Most Sickening NRL Break – A blast from the past when the footy show, hosted by Paul Vautin, had current and former rugby league player’s arm wrestling and witnessed the Most Sickening Break. Wendall Sailor up against Ben Ross in 2015 started as usual, but when Sailor pushed back hard on Ross, Ross’s arm audibly snapped and broke in two.

Most Sickening NRL Break

Stunned audience and comperes did not know what to do and it was a few seconds before they demanded the live show break calling out ‘Call an ambulance’.

After the incident, Sailor vowed never to arm wrestle again whilst Ross had multiple surgeries to repair damage to his elbow, shoulder and nerves in his arm.

Ross says he struggles with constant pain because of the injury and struggles to lift weights above 20kg or do physical activities like his favorite pastimes swim or surf.


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