Lionel Messi Signs 2 Year Deal

Messi Signs 2 Year Deal
Messi in Paris

Messi Signs 2 Year Deal – Paris Saint-Germain has secured a 2 year deal with Lionel Messi who held a tearful and emotional farewell press conference. The Argentin forward will have a medical in the next few days. He will then move to Paris with a rumored Eiffel Tower press conference welcoming him.

Messi Signs 2 Year Deal

Messi has made it no secret he does not want to leave Barcelona but the club and he could not come to a suitable financial agreement. Messi said he did everything he could in his power to stay at the one soccer club he has played professional football with, including a 50% salary cut.

His previous base salary was over $100 million per year, not including bonuses.


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